Dry Risers What is a Dry Riser? A Dry Riser is a fire fighting system used in buildings normally over 18 metres in height. These systems are comprised of fixed pipework, inlet and outlet valves.
In the event of a fire the system is filled and pressurised to allow firefighters access to water on each level quickly and efficiently.
Bush Fire Ltd have specialised in the testing and inspection of Dry Risers for over 25 years. Our team of Engineers are certified by I.F.E.D.A and use a custom built appliance specifically for dry riser testing. All dry risers are tested and maintained in accordance with BS9990;2015 and comply with hydrant licence requirements to acquire water for testing.
As well as testing we also supply and fit
Dry Riser Door Glass Dry Riser Cupboards & Boxes Dry Riser Keys Dry Riser Signage Straps & Padlocks Dry Riser Inlet & Outlet Valves Air Releases & Drain Valves Pipework Fixings